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Monday, March 10, 2025
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Afro Latin Mix ed tape

1 Publicaciones
Andrés Hincapié Education: PhD Economics, MSc Economics, BSc Industrial Engineering Profession: Tenure-Track Professor in the Department of Economics at UNC - Chapel Hill. Other: Host of The Mix(ed)tape Podcast, Dancer of Cobo Brothers Dance Company Column Name: Afro-Latin Mix(ed)tape: This column will be join with Mix(ed)tape co-host Melissa Villodas. Melissa Villodas, PhD LMSW LCSW-A is the co-host of the Mix(ed)tape Podcast, a project that takes an anti-racist approach to center the contribution of Black people and culture across Latin America and its diaspora through dance and music. She is a recent PhD graduate from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill School of Social Work. Her research focuses on the role of connectedness and where we live on the health and wellness of marginalized groups. Melissa received her Master of Social Work (MSW) degree in 2015 from New York University (NYU), and Bachelors of Arts in English writing from Nyack College in 2012. In her free time, Melissa enjoys dancing and has been dancing to Afro-Latin music for 6 years. Melissa started her dance journey in 2016 with Lorenz Latin Dance Studio in the Bronx, NY and has been dancing with the Cobo Brothers Dance Company since 2019.

Buenaventura y Caney

Después de haber empezado la serie Were You Listening? con dos canciones emocionalmente fuertes, “Raza” que fue inspirada por el asesinato de George Floyd a manos de un oficial de policía, y “Bemba Colorá” que en su alegre sonar contiene una exposición de actitudes racistas, queríamos algo un poco más alentador.

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