Word | Plural |
time | |
way | |
year | |
work | |
government | |
day | |
man | men |
world | |
life | lives |
part | |
house | houses |
course | |
case | |
system | |
place | |
end | |
group | |
company | companies |
party | parties |
information | informations |
school | |
fact | |
money | moneys |
point | |
example | |
state | |
business | businesses |
night | |
area | areas |
water | |
thing | |
family | families |
head | |
hand | |
order | |
john | |
side | |
home | |
development | |
week | |
power | |
country | countries |
council | |
use | |
service | |
room | |
market | |
problem | problems |
court | |
lot | |
a | aes |
war | |
police | |
interest | interests |
car | |
law | laws |
road | |
form | |
face | |
education | |
policy | policies |
research | researches |
sort | |
office | |
body | bodies |
person | persons |
health | healths |
mother | |
question | |
period | |
name | |
book | |
level | |
child | children |
control | |
society | societies |
minister | |
view | |
door | |
line | |
community | communities |
south | |
city | cities |
god | |
father | |
centre | centres |
effect | |
staff | staffs |
position | |
kind | |
job | |
woman | women |
action | |
management | managements |
act | |
process | processes |
north | |
age | |
evidence | evidences |
idea | ideas |
west | |
support | |
moment | |
sense | |
report | |
mind | |
church | churches |
morning | |
death | |
change | |
industry | industries |
land | |
care | |
century | centuries |
range | |
table | |
back | |
trade | |
history | histories |
study | studies |
street | |
committee | |
rate | |
word | |
food | foods |
language | |
experience | |
result | |
team | |
other | |
sir | sirs |
section | |
programme | |
air | |
authority | authorities |
role | |
reason | |
price | |
town | |
class | classes |
nature | |
subject | |
department | |
union | |
bank | |
member | |
value | |
need | |
east | |
practice | practices |
type | |
paper | |
date | |
decision | |
figure | |
right | |
wife | wives |
president | |
university | universities |
friend | |
club | |
quality | qualities |
voice | |
lord | |
stage | |
king | |
us | |
situation | |
light | |
tax | taxes |
production | |
march | marches |
secretary | secretaries |
art | |
board | |
may | |
hospital | |
month | |
music | musics |
cost | |
field | |
award | |
issue | |
bed | |
project | |
chapter | |
girl | |
game | |
amount | |
basis | bases |
knowledge | knowledges |
approach | approaches |
series | series |
love | |
top | |
news | |
front | |
future | |
manager | |
account | |
computer | |
security | securities |
rest | |
labour | |
structure | |
hair | |
bill | |
heart | |
force | |
attention | |
movement | |
success | successes |
letter | |
agreement | |
capital | |
analysis | analyses |
population | |
environment | |
performance | |
model | |
material | |
theory | theories |
growth | |
fire | |
chance | |
boy | |
relationship | |
son | |
sea | |
record | |
size | |
property | properties |
space | |
term | |
director | |
plan | |
behaviour | behaviours |
treatment | |
energy | energies |
st | |
peter | |
income | |
cup | |
scheme | |
design | |
response | |
association | |
choice | |
pressure | |
hall | |
couple | |
technology | technologies |
defence | |
list | |
chairman | chairmen |
loss | losses |
activity | activities |
contract | |
county | counties |
wall | |
paul | |
difference | |
army | armies |
hotel | |
sun | |
product | |
summer | |
set | |
village | |
colour | colours |
floor | |
season | |
unit | |
park | |
hour | |
investment | |
test | |
garden | |
husband | |
employment | |
style | |
science | |
look | |
deal | |
charge | |
help | helps |
economy | economies |
new | |
page | |
risk | |
advice | |
event | |
picture | |
commission | |
fish | fish |
college | |
oil | |
doctor | |
opportunity | opportunities |
film | |
conference | |
operation | |
application | |
press | presses |
extent | |
addition | |
station | |
window | |
shop | |
access | accesses |
region | |
doubt | |
majority | majorities |
degree | |
television | |
blood | |
statement | |
sound | |
election | |
parliament | |
site | |
mark | |
importance | |
title | |
species | species |
increase | |
return | |
concern | |
public | publics |
competition | |
software | |
glass | glasses |
lady | ladies |
answer | |
earth | |
daughter | daughters |
purpose | |
responsibility | responsibilities |
leader | |
river | |
eye | eyes |
ability | abilities |
appeal | |
opposition | |
campaign | |
respect | |
task | |
instance | |
sale | |
whole | |
officer | |
method | |
division | |
source | |
piece | |
pattern | |
lack | |
disease | |
equipment | equipments |
surface | |
oxford | |
demand | |
post | |
mouth | |
radio | |
provision | |
attempt | |
sector | |
firm | |
status | statuses |
peace | peaces |
variety | varieties |
teacher | |
show | shows |
speaker | |
baby | babies |
arm | |
base | |
miss | misses |
safety | safeties |
trouble | |
culture | |
direction | |
context | |
character | characters |
box | boxes |
discussion | |
past | |
weight | |
organisation | organisations |
start | |
brother | brothers |
league | |
condition | |
machine | |
argument | |
sex | sexes |
budget | |
english | |
transport | |
share | |
mum | |
cash | cashes |
principle | |
exchange | |
aid | |
library | libraries |
version | |
rule | |
tea | |
balance | |
afternoon | |
reference | |
protection | |
truth | truths |
district | |
turn | |
smith | |
review | |
minute | |
duty | duties |
survey | |
presence | |
influence | |
stone | stones |
dog | |
benefit | |
collection | |
executive | |
speech | speeches |
function | |
queen | |
marriage | |
stock | |
failure | |
kitchen | |
student | |
effort | |
holiday | |
career | |
attack | |
length | |
horse | |
progress | progresses |
plant | |
visit | |
relation | |
ball | |
memory | memories |
bar | |
opinion | |
quarter | |
impact | |
scale | |
race | |
image | |
trust | |
justice | |
edge | |
gas | gases |
railway | |
expression | |
advantage | |
gold | |
wood | |
network | |
text | |
forest | |
sister | |
chair | |
cause | |
foot | feet |
rise | |
half | halves |
winter | |
corner | |
insurance | insurances |
step | |
damage | |
credit | credits |
pain | |
possibility | possibilities |
legislation | legislations |
strength | |
speed | |
crime | |
hill | |
debate | |
will | |
supply | supplies |
present | |
confidence | |
mary | |
patient | |
wind | |
solution | |
band | |
museum | museums |
farm | |
pound | |
henry | henries |
match | matches |
assessment | |
message | |
football | |
no | noes |
animal | |
skin | |
scene | |
article | |
stuff | stuffs |
introduction | |
play | |
administration | administrations |
fear | |
dad | |
proportion | |
island | |
contact | |
japan | |
claim | |
kingdom | |
video | videos |
tv | tvs |
existence | |
telephone | |
move | |
traffic | |
distance | |
relief | |
cabinet | |
unemployment | |
reality | realities |
target | |
trial | |
rock | |
concept | |
spirit | |
accident | |
organization | |
construction | |
coffee | |
phone | |
distribution | |
train | |
sight | |
difficulty | difficulties |
factor | |
exercise | |
weekend | |
battle | |
prison | |
grant | |
aircraft | aircraft |
tree | trees |
bridge | |
strategy | strategies |
contrast | |
communication | |
background | |
shape | |
wine | |
star | |
hope | |
selection | |
detail | |
user | |
path | |
client | |
search | searches |
master | |
rain | rains |
offer | |
goal | |
dinner | |
freedom | |
attitude | |
while | |
agency | agencies |
seat | |
manner | |
favour | |
fig. | fig. |
pair | pairs |
crisis | crises |
smile | |
prince | |
danger | |
call | |
capacity | capacities |
output | |
note | |
procedure | |
theatre | |
tour | |
recognition | recognitions |
middle | |
absence | absences |
sentence | |
package | |
track | |
card | |
sign | |
commitment | |
player | |
threat | |
weather | |
element | |
conflict | |
notice | |
victory | victories |
bottom | |
finance | |
fund | |
violence | |
file | |
profit | |
standard | |
jack | |
route | |
china | |
expenditure | expenditures |
second | |
discipline | |
cell | |
pp. | |
reaction | |
castle | |
congress | congresses |
individual | |
lead | |
consideration | |
debt | |
option | |
payment | |
exhibition | |
reform | |
emphasis | emphases |
spring | |
audience | |
feature | |
touch | touches |
estate | |
assembly | assemblies |
volume | |
youth | |
contribution | |
curriculum | curricula |
appearance | |
martin | |
tom | |
boat | |
institute | |
membership | |
branch | branches |
bus | buses |
waste | |
heat | |
neck | |
object | |
captain | |
driver | |
challenge | |
conversation | |
occasion | |
code | |
crown | |
birth | |
silence | silences |
literature | literatures |
faith | |
hell | |
entry | entries |
transfer | |
gentleman | gentlemen |
bag | |
coal | |
investigation | |
leg | |
belief | |
total | |
major | |
document | |
description | |
murder | |
aim | |
manchester | |
flight | |
conclusion | |
drug | |
tradition | |
pleasure | |
connection | |
owner | |
treaty | treaties |
tony | tonies |
alan | |
desire | desires |
professor | |
copy | copies |
ministry | ministries |
acid | |
palace | |
address | addresses |
institution | |
lunch | lunches |
generation | |
partner | |
engine | |
newspaper | |
cross | crosses |
reduction | |
welfare | welfares |
definition | |
key | |
release | |
vote | |
examination | |
judge | |
atmosphere | |
leadership | |
sky | skies |
breath | |
creation | |
row | |
guide | |
milk | |
cover | |
screen | |
intention | |
criticism | |
jones | joneses |
silver | |
customer | |
journey | |
explanation | |
green | |
measure | |
brain | |
significance | |
phase | |
injury | injuries |
run | |
coast | |
technique | |
valley | |
drink | |
magazine | |
potential | |
drive | |
revolution | |
bishop | |
settlement | |
christ | christs |
metal | |
motion | |
index | indexes |
adult | |
inflation | |
sport | |
surprise | |
pension | |
factory | factories |
tape | |
flow | |
iron | |
trip | |
lane | |
pool | |
independence | |
hole | |
un | |
flat | |
content | |
pay | |
noise | |
combination | |
session | |
appointment | |
fashion | |
consumer | |
accommodation | |
temperature | |
mike | |
religion | |
author | |
nation | |
northern | |
sample | |
assistance | assistances |
interpretation | |
aspect | |
display | displays |
shoulder | |
agent | |
gallery | galleries |
republic | |
cancer | |
proposal | |
sequence | |
simon | |
ship | |
interview | |
vehicle | |
democracy | democracies |
improvement | |
involvement | involvements |
general | |
enterprise | |
van | |
meal | |
breakfast | |
motor | |
channel | |
impression | |
tone | |
sheet | |
pollution | |
bob | |
beauty | beauties |
square | |
vision | |
spot | |
distinction | |
brown | |
crowd | |
fuel | |
desk | |
sum | |
decline | |
revenue | |
fall | |
diet | |
bedroom | |
soil | |
reader | |
shock | |
fruit | |
behalf | behalves |
deputy | deputies |
roof | roofs |
nose | |
steel | |
co | |
artist | |
graham | |
plate | |
song | |
maintenance | maintenances |
formation | |
grass | grasses |
spokesman | spokesmen |
ice | |
talk | |
program | |
link | |
ring | |
expert | |
establishment | |
plastic | |
candidate | |
rail | |
passage | |
joe | |
parish | parishes |
ref | |
emergency | emergencies |
liability | liabilities |
identity | identities |
location | |
framework | |
strike | |
countryside | |
map | |
lake | |
household | |
approval | |
border | |
bottle | |
bird | |
constitution | |
autumn | |
cat | |
agriculture | |
concentration | concentrations |
guy | |
dress | dresses |
victim | |
mountain | |
editor | |
theme | |
error | |
loan | |
stress | stresses |
recovery | recoveries |
electricity | electricities |
recession | |
wealth | wealths |
request | |
comparison | |
lewis | lewises |
white | |
walk | |
focus | foci |
chief | |
parent | |
sleep | |
mass | masses |
jane | |
bush | bushes |
foundation | |
bath | |
item | |
lifespan | |
lee | lees |
publication | |
decade | |
beach | beaches |
sugar | |
height | |
charity | charities |
writer | |
panel | |
struggle | |
dream | |
outcome | |
efficiency | efficiencies |
offence | offences |
resolution | |
reputation | |
specialist | |
taylor | taylors |
pub | |
co-operation | |
port | |
incident | |
representation | |
bread | |
chain | |
initiative | |
clause | |
resistance | |
mistake | |
worker | |
advance | |
empire | |
notion | |
mirror | |
delivery | deliveries |
chest | |
licence | licences |
frank | |
average | |
awareness | awarenesses |
travel | |
expansion | |
block | |
alternative | |
chancellor | |
meat | |
store | |
self | selves |
break | |
drama | dramas |
corporation | |
currency | currencies |
extension | |
convention | |
partnership | |
skill | |
furniture | furnitures |
round | |
regime | |
inquiry | inquiries |
rugby | rugbies |
philosophy | philosophies |
scope | |
gate | |
minority | minorities |
intelligence | |
restaurant | |
consequence | |
mill | |
golf | |
retirement | |
priority | priorities |
plane | |
gun | |
gap | |
core | |
uncle | |
thatcher | |
fun | |
arrival | |
snow | |
no. | nos. |
command | |
abuse | |
limit | |
championship |
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.